Change - the only constant in life, yet difficult to move through at times.

We all know that change is the one certainty in life. Change is inevitable. Yet even with this intellectual knowledge, how many of us resist change or struggle through the process of whatever change we find ourselves in?

We are all going through immense changes here on planet earth at this time in our physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. As this planet continues to undergo massive energetic shifts, all of us living here at this time are a part of that change with the transformation of consciousness that is underway. We can try to resist or ignore it, but the shifts are underway and with that, we are being called to shift into our next, highest version of ourselves.

I am personally going through this shift on every aspect of my life and within my being. As I prepare to physically move to a new city, there is a process of letting go of all that has been the norm for the past 6 years with my current community, my work, my routines, my understandings of my surroundings, my friendships. etc. I am being asked to shift with all of these aspects of my life and it has been both up and down emotionally. There is a death occurring to aspects of me and the ways I knew so well here and rebirth into new ways and new aspects of me that I do not yet know. I have felt resistance and discomfort with this move at certain points along the way and it brought up questioning if this move really needs to happen. What if we just stayed here? What if we didn't go through with this immense change? Parts of me wanted to resist the letting go of all that I know to go into something brand new and uncertain. When these feelings of resistance and emotions of sadness and upset arose within me, I felt them. I sat with what was there. I allowed the difficult feelings and emotions to come forward, to speak with me, and to show me what they needed in order to release. I cried. I journaled. I hiked. I talked with friends and family about my feelings. I found ways to move the energy so it wouldn't take hold over me just stirring around inside.

You see, this human experience allows us the opportunity to feel it all. The so-called good feeling stuff, the so-called bad feeling stuff, and everything in between. One emotion is not necessarily better or worse than another, they are simply part of our internal guidance systems. When an emotion arises within, observe it. Lean into it. Open up to it. Get to know it. Desire to understand it. Emotions are not to be feared but to be understood. Emotions are energy that is generated from your thinking mind and energy's main job is to move and flow. So, your mind creates an energy with a thought and that energy just wants to get into motion (E+motion). 

Our thoughts are powerful, creative forces. Our opportunities for growth have to do with the choices we are making internally in each moment to:

  • select which lens you will view any upcoming changes through

  • align with the energy you want to be connected with as you move through changes

  • stay energetically open to all possibilities through the navigation of the changes at hand

When we can stay open to all possibilities, there is room for all possibilities to arrive. 

For we each really are pure potentiality living out a human existence in physical form. 

Sending loads of love to you all as we navigate this new terrain together.

And, as always, reach out with any questions and feel free to share with those you feel may benefit from these words.




A Day to Remember Our Ancestors


Healing the present & bettering our future by going to the past - Ancestral Lineage Healing