So much of life happens beneath the surface
So much of life happens beneath the surface of what our physical eyes can see. What this ocean holds beneath its surface is unknown to us unless we dive in to see. Similar to us, there is so much going on within each of us at any given moment that may not be visible to the outside world.
I remember years ago when I was really unwell, struggling with digestion issues, fatigue, anxiety & depression, you couldn't tell from the outside how awful I felt on the inside. I had a bright smile and a pleasant attitude towards life, but internally I was suffering on every level. I didn't know how to go inward with myself, where to look, what to do. So I kept going on with life and I kept becoming more unwell and more lost, until one day when I was in the bath using some mineral salts, doing some self-care, I plunged my entire head under the water and came up to realize my hair was falling out at a drastic rate. Of course I panicked. I looked again to be sure if what I was seeing was true and yes, my hair was falling out. And that was it. That was the defining moment that I could no longer hide what was going on inside of me as it was now beginning to show on the outside and I was terrified. I was beyond sad. I was broken.
What had I done to myself? How could I not have heeded all the signs my body was giving me and taken action sooner? I would have taken better care of another human moreso than how I had cared for myself. That realization prompted me to ask myself if I loved myself, if I even knew how to love myself or how to really care for myself with what it was that I really needed, and the brutally honest answer that I heard from within was, no.
I chose in that moment to learn how to love me, to heal me, to see me, and hear me, and understand me, how to follow my souls calling vs the worlds.
I sought out energy healers, Ayurvedic practitioners, Spiritual guides, whatever I was called to, and I began my journey of healing in all the ways that felt right for me.
My healing journey is ongoing. I am 1000% in a better place now than I was then, and having gone through those experiences, I have realized my Divine gifts and now assist others on their journeys through healing towards wholeness and wellbeing, but I'm not completely done. None of us are. We are here as souls having a human experience and everyone's journey is unique solely to them. It has to be. We all have different lessons to learn and individual things to do here. We all have our own personal journey through our evolution.
I share this with you because:1) stories heal - and we need to be able to share our stories with each other so we do not become prisoner to themand 2) because whatever it is that you are going through right now, you are safe to feel it. You are safe to process it. You are safe to learn to love yourself in ways that the world may not have shown you. You are safe to show up for what you need in this moment and become the you that you came here to be.
You are loved. You are supported. And your story is worthy of being heard.
May you have the courage to go within, under the surface of yourself, to see, to feel, to heal, and most of all, to love yourself.